Saturday, November 3, 2007

Contemporary Chinese Art

Some of you may have already received this in yer email (how the Beijing Olympic Logo was created) but lest we forget from all the smirking & laughter, this does represent the horrible truth of modern day China. In spite of the incredible economic growth that threatens to dwarf even the American's; them bad old draconian commie habits die hard.
We have laughed at fooking silly Malaysians clutching at straws when they proclaim incredible pride at our recent sojourn into space. Similarly, I have heard many Chinese locals say how fab it is that China finally gets to host a global sporting event. "This will show the world the ability of the Chinese people", "This coming Olympics is an event for all Chinese people to be proud of"etc etc.
What they forget to mention is that the Chinese authorities are also murdering bastards who got away with Tianamen Square & thousands of other atrocities since. Its easy to turn a blind eye when everyone's busy counting the mullah eh . . .?
PS: TQ Kevo fer another gem.


mozisgod said...

william who...oh yah yah..i fler la...i used to play guli with him last time.(FEEL LIKE PUNCHING ME RIGHT NOW IN THE FACE RIGHT? lawak bangak siot aku).or was it UNCLE willy ah....who used to sit in the dark right hand corner..below..all the sexy guiness stout ah-moi posters..the one i used to try to avoid at all cost...big time man utd fan..who will go and on & on..& on..about matt busby..and his busby babes..and ends his session with..'EH BOY...why la you supporting louya teams like SPURS ALL..'
.btw..there IS NO FINE LINE between art & shite. it WAS CRAP in the first place..but stil to be akin-ed & compared to..someone uhm...bea-ty.........gua kembang siot..mwahhaha..kembang taik kucing..piraahhh moz.guess i'm just rambling j-u-n-k-i-e.

the piece on the logo.nice one mate. reminds of this song a good mate of mine.. once plugged into his banged up walkman..after our weekly purchasing spree from sure of the name of the shop name though *blurblurgrin*..boss was a big six-foot chinese dude..who had a pretty prosperous dubbin operation goin on.

funny that you should mention about fearing..there's one developing in our own backyard..*sigghhhh*..anyways..the song went somethin like this..
' my cock big br-a-i-i-ynnnn smaalll enoughhh..for YOU TO MAKE A STARRRRRRRRR'...*nextBNcampaignsong*

i'm not religious person.not a praticing one if at all. but i do observe festivals..and where feasible..utilize it to uhm..erhm..nah..more like..justify it as a form of get..sloshed.
now the question is...what the hell am i on about… religion pulak?
(ko ni kan moz...slalu melalut tanpa arah)
just killing time..can't think

i need to email something to ya first show you something..which has left me quite scarred. i used to be pretty apathetic to me..much in the same vein as premo..but his one..
chewed my dry
liver bro.

again..i stresss..i'm not a religious..or pole-tOting die-for-my-religion type..i even took a step back & considered it for a sorta..intelligently(rather hard for me) gauge on what could have been the plausible issues...titles...and other factors..such as an offer to transfer to another location...damn..still came up with nowt..

have a look-see. and if you have the time chief..would appreciate you comments on it. if sibuk takper bro....we have more important things in life to look at...see in case you haven't're a pretty engaging writer chief. the train thought of does not run..doesnt go shizle dizlle..when we read yer articles...even since way back from the nst glory days. the big 4 of the local music journous of music of the left-hand path.*coughcough*..only prob was..he had to be a LIVERPOOL fan laa..

the reason why i didn't publish it openly our whiskey-drenched-beer-belching-magnum.49 (correct ah got 49ah?)-twirlin round table think it's best not to offend anybody..without figurin' out what actually happened...and also to avoid from folks actually thinkin i'm usin it for some kind mileage.

see ya later chief.
im dazed in sobrierity

p.s. what your email?..erh...i know it should be somewhere on your blog..uh...gua..lembap giler..pasai..
komputer ...and cable..and plugs..and...

mozisgod said...

william who...oh yah yah..i fler la...i used to play guli with him last time.(FEEL LIKE PUNCHING ME RIGHT NOW IN THE FACE RIGHT? lawak bangak siot aku).or was it UNCLE willy ah....who used to sit in the dark right hand corner..below..all the sexy guiness stout ah-moi posters..the one i used to try to avoid at all cost...big time man utd fan..who will go and on & on..& on..about matt busby..and his busby babes..and ends his session with..'EH BOY...why la you supporting louya teams like SPURS ALL..'
.btw..there IS NO FINE LINE between art & shite. it WAS CRAP in the first place..but stil to be akin-ed & compared to..someone uhm...bea-ty.........gua kembang siot..mwahhaha..kembang taik kucing..piraahhh moz.guess i'm just rambling j-u-n-k-i-e.

the piece on the logo.nice one mate. reminds of this song a good mate of mine.. once plugged into his banged up walkman..after our weekly purchasing spree from sure of the name of the shop name though *blurblurgrin*..boss was a big six-foot chinese dude..who had a pretty prosperous dubbin operation goin on.

funny that you should mention about fearing..there's one developing in our own backyard..*sigghhhh*..anyways..the song went somethin like this..
' my cock big br-a-i-i-ynnnn smaalll enoughhh..for YOU TO MAKE A STARRRRRRRRR'...*nextBNcampaignsong*

i'm not religious person.not a praticing one if at all. but i do observe festivals..and where feasible..utilize it to uhm..erhm..nah..more like..justify it as a form of get..sloshed.
now the question is...what the hell am i on about… religion pulak?
(ko ni kan moz...slalu melalut tanpa arah)
just killing time..can't think

i need to email something to ya first show you something..which has left me quite scarred. i used to be pretty apathetic to me..much in the same vein as premo..but his one..
chewed my dry
liver bro.

again..i stresss..i'm not a religious..or pole-tOting die-for-my-religion type..i even took a step back & considered it for a sorta..intelligently(rather hard for me) gauge on what could have been the plausible issues...titles...and other factors..such as an offer to transfer to another location...damn..still came up with nowt..

have a look-see. and if you have the time chief..would appreciate you comments on it. if sibuk takper bro....we have more important things in life to look at...see in case you haven't're a pretty engaging writer chief. the train thought of does not run..doesnt go shizle dizlle..when we read yer articles...even since way back from the nst glory days. the big 4 of the local music journous of music of the left-hand path.*coughcough*..only prob was..he had to be a LIVERPOOL fan laa..

the reason why i didn't publish it openly our whiskey-drenched-beer-belching-magnum.49 (correct ah got 49ah?)-twirlin round table think it's best not to offend anybody..without figurin' out what actually happened...and also to avoid from folks actually thinkin i'm usin it for some kind mileage.

see ya later chief.
im dazed in sobrierity

p.s. what your email?..erh...i know it should be somewhere on your blog..uh...gua..lembap giler..pasai..
komputer ...and cable..and plugs..and...

anfield devotee said...

mozisgod: woi, brudder, berapa botol arak hang minum before fooking logging on la?

No, me email is not on me blog. Get it from premo. And thanx fer all the nice things you say.

Cheers & look forward to more fo yer ramblings . . .

Unknown said...

Mozisgod: I ought to let you know, my fellow bloggin mate, that your ramblin rant caused a rather concerned sounding anflield devotee to call me just and confirm whether you were:
a) A disgruntled ex- Broadwalk patron/nutter
b) A friend of mine
Of course after hearing that you were a Spurs fan and an obvious fan of Mozzer, I concurred it was (b). However, after reading your blog entry - my thoughts were leaning towards (a)! Daamn dude you sound like Hunter S Thompson on one of his infamous acid-binges. Sloowww dowwwnn bradder!!

anfield devotee said...

premo: Ha ha! Already told mozisgod on previous postings to cool it on the William S Burroughs-like ramblings. Big difference is that Burroughs didn't see the need fer punctuation marks in his text whereas mozisgod seems obssessed with em!

And mozzy, not to worry, I wasn't at all concerned. I had just mistaken you fer another friend who is also a Spurs & Smiths fan, that's all.

kevo said...

splat... you're welcome mr ad. just another great shot of creativity eh.