To all me all Hindu brethren, here's wishing you a very HAPPY PONGAL!
May the year ahead be bountiful & rewarding one fer all yer hard labour.
ps: Others who like to find out more about this festival can go to: http://www.123pongal.com/meaning-of-pongal/
Happy Ponggal
thanks for the link.
Happy ponggal=Thanks Giving The Tamil Version Frens!!!
Azer: Tq fer yer kind wishes.
Anba: Except no turkey la . . . only vegetarian food . . .
Happy Ponggal everyone. Eh! I'm the only chinapek to say it. Kekekekeke.
Thanx, Chinapek JonC!
happy Ponggal to all my hindu friends!
btw, like that chinapek, am I the only melayu to wish you all ah?
Happy Ponggal Uncle AD :))
and more the happier for me ... +3pts, 1 spot up, 2pts away and 1 game in hand :))))
Anba my dear want to tell them abt the Kanni Ponggal :)))) am sure Kerpie would be interested **grin**
Tq Bro Kerp. You truly embody the spirit of muhibah. Kerp fer PM? Most definitely . . .
Akuani: TQ fer the greeting but can you pls reserve the gloating fer someplace else? Typical scum . . .
aiya Uncle AD ... me not gloating just overall happy - you know what I mean???? tsk tsk ... so quick to whack me!!
anyhows, where's me fooking wildboar order la uncle??? here's the deal - me in KL from 25th Jan to 15th Feb - maybe we can organise a pick-up .. am salivating just thinking of sinking into wildboar heaven ... and you tease me too long uncle - one pot is due right about now ehehehehhe
AD: Happy ponggal to you. BTW, replied your query on me blog. Hope the answer pleases you. Do check. hehehehe
Akuani: Wildboar? mmmmm.... haven't had that in ages-lah. Save some for me-lah.
BTW, since you will be in KL during that period, maybe we meet then-lah - but only if we tak jadi to meet earlier. Would prefer to meet earlier so you can get started, but just in case-lah. Let me know.
akuani: Eh, if you are in KL during that period, you can buy fresh, fresh from Old Klang Road market la.
achilles: see above. And thanx fer the greetings.
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