“Kalau salam, tengok muka. Sebab itu saya ingatkan calon kita supaya kalau bersalam bukan hanya di depan pintu, tetapi kalau ada orang dalam rumah dan di dapur, salam semua. Biar pun dia kena salam sehingga 200,000 orang, asalkan kita menang. Ini bukan adab orang bandar, orang elit tetapi adab orang kampung. Itu cara kita berkempen.
“Jangan berlagak naik kereta mewah dan jangan berlebihan. Pegang kepada satu prinsip bahawa kita hamba kepada rakyat, itulah anak kunci kepada kejayaan BN. Saya minta pemimpin yang turun padang supaya mesra rakyat”.
Imagine, Big Chief had to tutor them Barisan fookheads on the niceties of kissing babies & how to avoid looking like the pompous twats. Out of fooking touch or what?
Compare & contrast with the pix above. Look at the smile & sincerity of Tok Guru as he press the flesh with Chinese voters at a DAP-organised dinner. Also in attendance was a certain Zaid Ibrahim . . .
Me makes no apologies fer the totally biased nature of this posting. Me hopes the people of KT tell BN to get the fook out of their town . . . & they can take their fooking Monsoon Cup with them!
ps: Sorry, me has not posted anything previously regarding the Kuala Terengganu by-elections. Have been too engrossed in me footie team's shortcomings. Apologies.
dude, please continue with your writings. In my view there is an explanation for everything. Why else would that SOB Najib remind people on how to greet voters? the reason is simple enough as they are too bloody high 'n' mighty in the beginning!
Pakatan is getting stronger, and with BN losing in Kuala Terengganu, it spells the end of Najib even before his tenureship begins as the Malays, as it seems, have left UMNO.
Go Mr Wahid Endut, you have our prayers from this side of the peninsula. The attrocities suffered by the Malays, Indians and Chinese (including the hot water scalding in Brickfields) will never again occur. We will stand tall gentlemen! PREPARE FOR WAR!
Amir: Precisely. These muthafooking Barisna bastards have completely lost touch with their constituents.
Canna believe they needed Najib of all people to remind them to not lan si . . .
Ha ha!
C'mon KT, we're with you!
oh man....Amir & AD together...what chance does BN have!! hehehehe!!
wow...ini macam barisan fuyoh!
nanda: Dude, me spoke to Amir a week ago when things are still cordial. Me thinks that civility will come to an end AFTER the two Merseyside derbies. He he!
Oh, yeah, fer everyone else's info, Amir is a GOODISON BLUESHITE! But apart from that severe piece of mis-judgement, Amir writes very sound & reasoned political pieces at his blog (link on me blog roll).
Albertus: Wonder how much money Najib will be willing to throw around to ensure he wins. Like it or not, this by election is a litmus test fer his leadership.
To lose in the Malay heartland of KT would be a major fooking blow. And let's hope that fooking happens!!!
hehe...yea, its appalling isnt it? the bn people needs to be tutored on how to greet people. thats like the core value in any community that only mischievous kids needs to be constantly reminded. the opposition were told not to resort to any personal attack but guess who la reminded that farid dude to smile more if not mr PM-in-waiting himself.
Tok Guruji is smilling b'coz he knows the time for hudud sudah near mah...hehehhe
kerp: what kind of deluded people vote fer a candidate that needs to be told about such basic things?
anba: Dude, don't believe the BN propaganda machine that is mainstream media.
Am sure you know that it was nothing more than an election ploy by PAS to strengthen its position in an area which is predominantly Malay.
Risky tactic perhaps but me thinks they did it knowing that the non-Malay voters realise a 2/3 majority is required in parliament fer it to go thru.
balaji:- Yes...
me knows that a ploy that PAS uses... but me just can stop meself from sayaing it...
Guess the Spirit of Loki is jngrained to deep in me
anba: don't blame it on mischief . . .
Guruji:- Y not bro?
AD: I dunno-lah... me seems to have lost faith in PR since the whole "take over the Govt" fell flat. Don't get me wrong, Not saying me is BN lover now. me still wanna see BN fall and me will still cast a vote for PR parties... but the fire me had... now just smoke only-lah.
achilles: As a certain Robert Nesta Marley once said,"don't give up the fight, you gotta stand up fer yer rights!"
To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history- Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States of America
To those who still does not understand Anwar Ibrahim's explanation vis-a-vis the Sept 16 takeover plan, the problem lies with the condition precedent that the 35 MPs (whoopsy! I said the number! must be due to the Liverpool blog thing!) must be 'ready' to jump ship.
We can, however, coerce them to join Pakatan Rakyat, but that would be too risky - they can easily sabotage us since we depended on their numbers to create the Federal Government in the first place.
But the recent Kuala Terengganu debacle has shown us at least two things 1) The people does not see Sept 16 as a big problem, they see BN as the big problem 2) The Malays have left UMNO - UMNO thought that they should withdraw and raise racist issues in the name of Malay Supremacy - sadly the younger Malays see that too many MalaySIANS are suffering as a result of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
We must not lose heart. The same advise I give to friends of FFS when you are 'warmly' welcomed at Goodison!
From the Goodison Blue
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