Reducing everything to its bare functionality would mean there'd be nay place fer artistic whims or fancy. The Bauhaus school of thought may work fer some but only if there were alternatives to ensure our roads are not reduced to an endless procession of Kancil & Vios-type blandness.
Just to make it a little clearer fer the ladies who are greatly culpable of reducing our car market to a homogeny of the aforementioned brands (in no other transmission but AUTO), imagine a world without designer shoes, handbags, clothes & knick knacks coz all they do is LOOK & FEEL NICE. Start wearing a gunny sack me says . . . No?
Me is nay snob but in me quest fer something with a little character, me has been bombarded with all sorts of "advice" from so-called experts. A great example would be the mother in law who seems to think that the holy triumvirate of MyVi, Vios & Swift are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Why? "Coz my friend's daughter bought one so it must be a good car . . ."
But the worse offenders were some fellow MX5 owners who thought me should plonk fer a "practical mommy mobile". Coming from them made it quite unpalatable since me thought being owners of two-seater convertibles, they would have something more constructive to offer.
Like how music & film is being reduced to generic formulaic crap, same is happening in the automotive industry. Do yer bit to stop everything being homogenised. Ye can start by buying an old banger of a car that screams "I've got FOOKING CHARACTER" even if its broken down by the side of the road . . .