Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chuffed to bits!

Yup, this humble scribe managed to do a extra-short interview with Barney Greenway of Napalm Death after their brilliant gig on Monday nite at 1Cafe, Kuala Lumpur.

Please do visit to read the gig review as well as watching some hand held camera footage.


Life's Like That said...

Should have done interview sitting down bro. You look like a midget beside him. So what happened after interview? Hung out with them?

anfield devotee said...

Ha ha, look like a midget next to almost everyone.

No lar, the band were exhausted & we were rushing back to do the stories.

Spades was first up with gig reports & got plenty of traffic from Napalm Death fans across the globe via FB.

Anba said...

balaji..good move..hope spades got plenty of hits...

anfield devotee said...

Anba: numbers were pretty decent fer a new site. Good traffic.

It felt good to be the first to have the news up mere hours after the gig, with vids & pix as well.