We gave it our best shot - even forsaking alcohol during dinner to ensure maximum storage space fer the oinky delights! But man, in the end, it was us waving the white flag & asking fer a doggy bag. Me must say, from the bacon-wrapped prawn starters to the 'star' of the show - succulent suckling Danish piglet - the meal was quite simply fooking sensational.
The ribs were juicy & tender while the stuffed pork knuckle was me fave actually. I strongly urge all oink devotees to check this place out (43 & 45 Changkat Bukit Bintang. Please call for reservation as it gets quite packed - 03-21450511).
The menu is fabulously extensive & while prices are a little on the steep side, trust me, you won't be fooking disappointed. Fer further proof, these were some of me fellow diner's comments:
"Will have to be vegetarian tomorrow after this makan."- Willie
"What vegetarian? I won't be eating tomorrow! . . . blah blah . . . LFC to win no6 . . . blah blah" - Lester "Deluded" Francis
"That was superb . . . chomp chomp . . . awesome . . . munch." - Anand
"I suppose this has got to be one of the things you have to do before dying . . . and right now after the makan I feel like doing just that!" - Premo
And tq guys fer a great nite out . . . so when we doing it again? He he . . . buuuuurrrrrp . . . oops, xcuse moi.
ps: sorry, too fooking busy eating to take pix, so a cartoon will have to do.
pps: Would love to hear from all the other pandi lovers out there bout their fave hang outs.
brother, obviously el cerdo aint my makan place. but being the advanturous-type, i'd dig on anything as long there's no pork...and veggies.
my apology to you and some hindu friends here but beef ribs @tony roma's are a must-have at some point of your life.
oh, as for road-side culinary, how about a plate or 2 of udang lipan in SS2?
*chief, DK's GMCoGMD features some of their best killers,...pull my strings, i fought the law (biafra's version), holiday in cambodia just to name a few.
sob sob... i wan.
damn, i'm hungry now. hope the place is still around when i go back to KL (hopefully end of this year).
kerp: Am a bit surprised that you proclaim yerself apolitical; given yer pooonk background & all. Plus yer perspective as OKU also demand some affirmative action.
So just a bit surprising, that's all, dude.
senorita: just enjoy the roast lamb fer now la . . .
weiyin: Don't worry, it'll be there unless it has to shift to bigger premises. Look forward to seeing you when you get home later this year.
Also why so few updates on yer blog?
Bala: After the smorgasbord of pandi that nite I regret attempting to go out to 'party'. Was sluggish and sleepy the whole time! Shoulda just crashed at home :(
But next time I revisit El Pandis it'll be just the pork knuckles - HAVOC! Gotta have!!
Kerp: Yep the beef ribs at Tony Romas are something else - as is their Onion Dip starter dish and variety of sauces. Can't say the same about their lamb tho - The 'Walk reigns supreme! Hehe
Oh yeah as for other lil' pork-tastic joints -
Bulldog - I'm sure you most of you are familiar with this English bar in ye ol' Hartamas. Range of mouth watering pork dishes range from an artery choking English Breakfast set, traditional favorite Toad in the Hole and succulent pork sausage dishes such as Bangers n' Mash or Sausages and Onions.
Online Pub - another ol skool pub in Damansara Kim, situated in the housing area behind the Specialist Hosp. Pork Curry in da house yo!! And Bacon wrapped sausages for appetizers. Onlline is On!!
Deutsches Gasthaus2 - One of the outlets of this German bar/restraunt is located in Tmn Tun Dr Ismail. Nice rustic and cosy setting not unlike Bulldog but with a European/Teutonic twist when it comes to the pork dishes. Usual favorites are here including the knuckles, sausages, etc.. Just expect the sauerkraut and mustard to be extra power.
And as a plus point for all bier lovers out there DG2 serves Hoegarden and Stella on tap! Yesss!!
Not to be insensitive but the pork ribs @ Tony Romas (Singapore lah) are sensational as well!
Premo: I don't see you at the gym often enough for you to be eating pork knuckle so often!
For most pork lovers: I am the most intuitive on the pork side. My wife hates me eating pork but she know I enjoy it. However these are my favs for Pork Places to eat:
1) The Meaty House (USJ Taipan-facing the parking lot building)
2) Checkers (in some obscure area in Damansara Heights)
3) Riblee's (hartamas opposite burger king on to of AL Rajhi Bank)
Off all, cheapest porkies, is Meaty house but the best if you like Americana BBQ Pork Ribs on a rack with corn on the cob and fries go to Riblee's...its the bomb.
I tried El Cerdo before, ok la but i like my pork simple not the fine dining type. Sorry la, Americana's pork style is always my fav and these places have it and not El Cerdo.
am a bit surprised no one has actually mentioned their fave BKT stall yet . . .
becky: eh, don't be a killjoy lar!
albertus: yup, american-style ribs are nice as well but the roasts at el cerdo was the fooking bomb.
premo: How much is a pint of hoegarden on tap? Fook! Thirsty already la . . .
Becky: Hey of course la I dont eat pork that often man! Whats the point of goin to gym if you stuff urself with oink every other week!!
And yeah even the Burger King in S'pore is much better cos of the bacon they serve. Mmmm pork lard...
Bala: Can't remember how much the hoegardens cost but the glasses are HUGE bro! Nanda had to drink it using 2 hands!!
Albertus: Have always been curious about Checkers in Damansara but no one seems to know of its existence! Will def try Meaty house in Taipan when im in da neighbourhood
BKT - come to klang look for me! ;0) got a few good places..... some need to book in advance!
hey, for 'em non-oink fans, let's not forget 'em awesome deserts which we sapu-ed with ease at the end huh..(even "spoonin'" into anand's.. sorry bro', but you ordered some serious shite we couldn't resist)
oh.. and.. er.. yes.. can you count to six? muahahahahahahahaha! love it! love it!
I've dined at Riblee's before as well and agree with Bert's review.
I agree with JonC. If you want good BKT, please give him a call when you are in Klang and he'll take you there.
Fark all your recommendations...been there done that. Have to tell you fellas that from 9th to 15th March, I'll be going to the Motherland of All Pork Dishes, as certified by Anthony Bourdain himself no less. I'm talking about Bali & specifically to Bu Oka's stall in Ubud (best of the best!!) for her oh so succulent & to die for "Babi Guling". Don't know what I'm talking about, go google it up & catch a repeat episode of Bourdain's show featuring it. Am making a 3rd trip in 6 years, goes to show how good the damn thing is. Too bad there's no scratch & sniff on the internet!!
Thanks a lot for the invitation!!!!
Bala, good q. But its only natural to make noise to whoever's holding the office. its not about being an anarchist or anything but more about my mom. she fears i might not get all the OKU benefits if i go against the powers-that-be. her fears are unfounded ofcos but since she's my real deal govnor, i should just remain apolitical, or a nonpartisan, atleast.
i concur with you. my Girl had lamb shank there the other day but prefers chili's anytime. so off we went to chili's the next night and now i'm broke. totally botak.
yes brother, caught that particular episode too. too bad i could only imagine how crispy the skins are. but then again, maybe it can be done on chicken or duck instead. sembelih or not, a totally different matter all together....hehe
Bro Kerp
Actually the Balinese have a version of Peking Duck called Bebek Bengil. The most happening place for that is also in Ubud. Went there the last time out, pricey & nothing to shout about. Imagine chewing on duck as dry as tree bark.
*sigh*. i have no taste left in my tongue oridhi la...sounds enticing
down & out bro.
down & out with the flue, fever,(good excuse for those nice lilting codeine trips,benadryl and ooo KK pills), work,money, work, life, work, love..and..ah forget it.
quadruple..my "sambar" fartin' black arse..heh heh..he.eh.eh *that's a groggy giggly codeine induced heh heh he eh eh..ehhe
(tuan kerpov, as a fellow afficianado/connosseiur of food that is if you do belong to the same "balun-dulu-lapar-kemudian" school of thought i apply to...i sincerely EXPECT you to know the meaning of "sambar" by now..and believe me. it has NOTHING to with petir/lightning of my arse)
(tuan baLATov/Tuan kerpov: i know la..not a win to be proud of...in fact probably a depressing win..if there ever is such a thing.. especially when the winning goal was scored with a nose. but a win is a win is a win..)
i think i fell ill - probably due to shock disbelief.
yes la MOZ here la. mr. muddy waters has been my brooding companion the last few days.
serves me right for knocking/passing out before the nose-goal.
and i had to miss it la.
moz: congrats on yer win over chelsea & welcome back.
kopite78: Well, if you had answered/returned me call last week, you would have known bout it . . .
bernard: Tapau?
For info on checkers, check this out: http://pasankia.blogspot.com/2006/04/checkers-bukit-damansara.html
Trust me fellas you won't regret it.
Bala: Try Checkers and then tell me the comparison with El Cerdo. Trust me, the difference is there.
As for Riblee's, so as long as Tony Roma's not serving the Babi, well this place's got my vote anytime for BBQ Pork Ribs Americana style....burrrp!
in case anyone's looking at meaty house: http://babeinthecitykl.blogspot.com/2005/03/meaty-house.html
and last but not least the Riblee's: http://pasankia.blogspot.com/2006/11/riblees-desa-sri-hartamas.html
albertus: TQ fer the links. Will try to get a posse to attack these other establishments. This time we will be prepared . . . Starve fer three days before going!
1. told you to go to el cerdo earlier... next time lemme know when u're going.. i'll tell werner to make u this special starter...
fyi - this is his 6th version of pork knuckles... i've tried them all.. my fav would be no3.4 and the current one...
2. recommendations
a) mark: i agree that pork ribs in tony romas in sg is AWESOME!
b) premo: bulldogs, still alrite.. but the service is kinda crap...
c) if u know where Deutsches Gasthaus2 as mentioned by Premo (the food there is still good), then head on to SID's Pub.. just further down.. they have BETTER PANDI food english style.. better than bulldogs...
d) siu yok in vintry
e) siu yok in pudu
f) char siew in ckgnt tong shin
g) knuckles and sausages @ Uncle Ho's.. in MV
h) bkt - segambut for lunch
that's all the recommendations i have for now... i heard from my sister that u guys didnt even finish the food... next time... have a chat with werner.. ask him to recommend something... what he'll do is come up with a menu.. and portion everything to the number of pax...
i havent been to the places mentioned by Albertus... i must check them out... though i hear the food at riblees is to die for
Oink Oink...since im based in Lawan Kuda,Gopeng, Perak could only give restaurants in these areas... one good thing abt this place is that all the restaurants here serve San Chiok (Wild Boar) whose meat in my opinion taste better than the Civilised Pig..
The Curry, Black Pepper, Dried Chillis and Ginger version is cool...All these restaurants are located in Lawan Kuda.. the whole stretch of the main road have 8-9 restaurants...My persoanal Favs are Qia Jia Fa...further in they have restaurants that serve meats like python,turtles, frogs, etc...
But there's one Pandi Flavoured Dish that i really dig nowdays
its Nasi Petai where they add minced pork meat.....Pork and Petai...A wicked combination...
At night there a stall in front of the lawann kuda wet market.selling char siew pau...quite tasty also...
This place is nearby Gua Tempurung so any one passing by this area could visit the restaurants here...just 5 minutes frm theGopeng toll exit by the way...
as for BKT...cant go to Klang isk isk only Bercham for me......Po Beng Stall
By the way thanx bros for the restaurants at least i have something to look for when i come to kl
Eh, Unker Bala, donch you have some health watch thing you have to do.
I think all fast food places in Singapore are now halal, including Burger King. But I do recall fondly of having real pork bacon with my BK bacon double cheese when I was in school in S'pore.
Uncle Bernard, Thailand is the place to go for all things pork. You get real pork bacon at the breakfast buffets, you get yummy pork sausages stuffed with veg and glass noodle off the street vendors. So much better than the babi guling in Ubud. (BTW, go the Mozaic for the food sampling menu, very good, the bread there is to die for).
slacker: We ordered fer 11 when some didn't eat hence the bit of left over which we doggie bagged.
And the reason we didn't go earlier is because you DIDN'T offer to take us there!
Food order was based on German blokey's recommendations & was just nice portions wise. Like I said, we didn't know some were not eating.
cynnister: Nice to see the subject of oink was able to provoke a reaction from you! Ha ha! I suppose there are some subjects some people feel more passionately about!
anba: Ya lar, brudder, sang chee yok is another culinary gem. Me speciality is Wild Boar Rendang!
did somebody say oink, oink?
Fooking a man, BKT galore at Ipoh road, Klang road, and Puchoing!
But theres a real porky place in Sunway Mentari called Wendy's pretty good! But the menu's a little bit restricted......only some 16 choices or so. Gotto go try out this cerdo place man....
Oi Bala...did I hear right that you're back on beer again??
oi you,moz. you're crazy man...hehehhe...
i know, we're a bunch of fat-fuckers here. only that for obviously i dont eat pork.
i'm more of a briyani-for-entree-NYstrip-for-desert kind of guy. ok ka?
no idea what sambar is. how about snatch, as loosely translated? whatever la geng, congrats to you anyway. mr ramos is sure to sign another contract for about what, a decade? just gotta spoil it, after all this is spurs we're talking about. get into a champions league spot and then only Juande can talk about closing the gap with the big-4. Moyes shot his mouth off and the next year they were not any better than blackpool and the likes.
tony: yes, am back on the beer. You will love el cerdo & you are probably one of the few who will have no problems with the portions! U fat fook!
So you've discovered one of my favourite restaurants. Am addicted to this place and the pork shoulder. Marinated for 48 hours then cooked and served with the most wonderful sauce.
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