Saturday, September 11, 2010

Unleash the inner racerboy!

Ever wanted a car that just screamed SPEED DEMON? Ever wished ye had a hobby car just so ye can unleash the weekend racer that lurks deep in the inner recesses of yer juvenile psyche?

Spotted this lil red riding hood in ItaliaAuto forum & ye can revive yer F1/Rally/Vin Diesel alter ego with just 20 big ones . . .

Fer more details:

Go on, get it . . . ye knows ye fooking wants it!


Corporate Chef said...

I fooking want it.........digging deep for the askin' 20 big ones.

TNS said...

hi, how to i get it?

anfield devotee said...

bravosx: Looking forward to a ride in this!

Jason: Errr . . . click on the link & contact the owner?