Monday, April 20, 2009

Breaking Glass - RIP JG Ballard

"In his vision of a car crash with the actress, Vaughan was obsessed by many wounds and impacts--by the dying chromium and collapsing bulkheads of their two cars meeting head-on in complex collisions endlessly repeated in slow-motion films, by the identical wounds inflicted on their bodies, by the image of windshield glass frosting around her face as she broke its tinted surface like a death-born Aphrodite, by the compound fractures of their thighs impacted against their handbrake mountings, ban above all by the wounds to their genitalia, her uterus pierced by the heraldic beak of the manufacturer's medallion, his semen emptying across the luminescent dials that registered forever the last temperature and the fuel levels of the engine." - excerpt from Crash (1973).

Anyone who can make a car crash sound erotic & horrific at the same time is pretty fooking cool by me.

RIP - James Graham Ballard (November 15, 1930 - April 19, 2009).

ps: Fer more info, see .


Kerp (Ph.D) said...

may his soul R.I.P.

i swear to God this was my first time to hear of this great man. in order not to sound more foolish,i'll just stop here.

anfield devotee said...

Brudder kerp, no one is expected to know everything!

It is hoped this posting will make a few others seek out this man's work.

Am sure you'll enjoy Crash given its overload of SEX, SEX & more SEX!

Anba said...

regarding crash...i doubt that kerp will enjoy it...hehehe
Regarding JG
i did enjoy some of his short Sci fi story...but his stories are not quite the usual sci fi gadgetry and so on..but more of exploring humanity's spectrum of emotion and thoughts..
2 stories that i can recollect but the title i forgot...
read that story like what 13 yeaes ago n so on...
ist one oedipal something...
simple story about a man who temporarily loses his sight coz of some operatin i think.. and explores the world of being blind...
strangely he really likes the new heightened expereince of touch.. sensation of rewlaying on jusy his heariing and touch instead of his eyesight...
then after weeks his eyes heals...n he misses of being blind and all...
and in the climax of the story he blinds himself...though my story telling is bland but these are the things that sticks to me mind...
i havent read all of his work...but correct me if i'm wrong...compared to kurt vonnegut..ballard stories exhibits more dryness of humour.. thats my 5 cents...

anfield devotee said...

anba: in no position to do comparison. Me wifey's the Kurt V fan.