However, me recently came across another act suffering from carbon copy syndrome - Warhammer. Difference is these bunch uberfans admit they are just paying tribute to their all-time fave metal godz, Hellhammer. Fer the uninitiated, Hellhammer were the previous incarnation of Celtic Frost. (Found out bout Warhammer when me read that Tom G Warrior was invited by Terrorizer mag to review their four LPs & the man gave it the fooking thumbs up!).
Hellhammer's blurred, fuzzy guitars, basement-next-door drums & Tom G Warrior's early Hellspawn vocals are recreated to near perfection by this German outfit. Listen to any of their four albums & you'll be fooking transported back to 1982! Me kids you not, Warhammer spent years seeking out equipment that would give them that exact tonal quality of those Hellhammer recordings ie PISS POOR SOUND!
Their dedication to their art is certainly worthy of a listen. And trust me, you will not be disappointed. Fans of early Euro-Death/Thrash scene will be engaged in some serious dandruff removal in front of their stereos. Basic, primitive & fooking powerful. Warhammer will deliver a blow to yer cranium like a Viking's spiked club to yer soft furry skull. And you'll be screaming, "GIMME MORE!" . . .
Fer a taste of this gloriously retro slice of HEAVY FOOKING METAL, me recommends their Doom Messiah album. To download Warhammer's Doom Messiah (2000), please click here: http://rapidshare.com/files/134482296/Warhammer_-_The_Doom_Messiah_2000_Alemania_deathfans.blogspot.com.rar
ps: Will try to post the links to their other albums sometime in the future. Do let me know what you think. Have a good fooking weekend of headbanging!!!
Balaji_:- suprisingly m enjoying this more than montheist
Anba: Ha ha! Monotheist to serious sikit la. This is just good old fashioned fun!!!
Me just managed to download Towards The Chapter of Chaos album. WIll try to post the other links soon.
Enjoy Brudder man!
they must be West Ham Utd fans.
kerp: Possibly. There's a Warhammer Italy, Warhammer UK &, of course, this lot Warhammer Germany.
Probably too metal fer yer taste. Give it a try?
I think I have to update my music. Warhammer? like wow, never heard of 'em before!
Amir: To the contrary, Warhammer is a throwback to the early 80s!!!
Very underground band, so don't worry of you've never heard em before.
Hope you downloaded this & certainly hope you like what you hear.
I'm having a hard time with the download. :-/
Never heard of em, should I expect something like a jump into a massive pool of water and ice cubes on a hot day?
AD : saw this blog and thought of you ... and your kinda music :))
click here
praxidice: This lot are not well known even within metal circles. They are after all a tribute to a fairly cult/underground band - Hellhammer. So no suprise they are reltively unknown. But therein lies the fun of discovering something new.
Keep tryinbg with the download, took me some time as well. But trust me its well worth the effort. If you are into early 80s underground Euro-thrash/death, Warhammer will blow yer fooking socks off!
Akuani: TQ very much!!!
If anyone is having trouble with this, you can try downloading Warhammer's Winter of our discontent album here:
Enjoy & do let us know what you think!
me knows this dont belong in this...
but just want to shar e an excerpt of Khairy's interview..
the so called AM i KNOw future leaders..
Many people have criticised you, some very harshly, for calling for Nizar to be "banished", as reported in Malaysian Insider. How do you see your actions?
Excerpt of jois answer...
I find this inconsistency quite puzzling; is it not significant that I asked merely for "banishment" and not outright incarceration without trial? If you had seen the mood of the crowd that day, you would appreciate the moderation in what I chose to say.
In fact, the Malaysian Insider piece reported that some in the crowd even called for Nizar to be killed for disobeying the sultan's orders. Such was the passion amongst BN Youth members who felt that Nizar had trampled upon the sanctity of the institution of Malay rulers...
My question...
When did killing become a passion..?
and to think that he's an Oxford grad...
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