When the new S'gor govt wanted to move pig farming into a centralised location, one prick sought to make it into a racial & religious issue even though he was a prime mover in the deal before Mar8.
When a woman's privacy is invaded, this fooking prick has the gall to talk about morality.
When decent people try to make a living as publicans he suspends all licences & threatens their rice bowls.
When a new MB purchases beef fer the poor & claims expenses fer transport, this MF dares speak of CORRUPTION. (fer a detailed list of this fooking wanker's wrong doings, please go to Amir's blog which exhaustively lists his alleged "crimes": http://puterabatu.blogspot.com/2009/02/anak-toyo-yang-memualkan.html)
When a duly elected state govt is toppled nefariously, this scumbag dares talk of protecting the sovereignty of the Malay rulers.
When debating on LIVE telly recently, this right wing Klansman even scorned the rights of non-Malays & non-Muslims in this country with impunity!!!
Yes, like many others, me holds this fooking bastard as a prime example of all that is wrong with Barisan Najis. And yet, this arsehole is the fave to be the next umno youth head. And as we all know, this is where future PMs are groomed. In the face of his atrocious track record, me still finds it incredible that there are so many people out there willing to support Barisan Najis in spite of this.
How can one say they vote status quo when a shit-stirrer like this botox-brained prick is gonna be holding down serious positions in the ruling party?
Will someone please fooking bring this fook face down! C'mon people, we canna let this prick get away with this shit!
ps: Sorry that this posting has degenerated to name calling. Needless to say, this bastard makes me blood fooking boil!
Toyol is his name,
Corruption is his game,
Cronyism is his aim,
Deceit is his fame,
Racism in his brain,
High morality dares he claim,
Who are we to blame?
Toyol is his name.
Feel free to add more verse to the above poem.
What tune is this sung to?
JonC: MC in da House!!!
Bernard: Swing Low Sweet Chariot? he he . . .
AD: I still dunno what people see in him. everyone makes fun of him, but yet, they wanna support this fook head.
Take him down...let's raise 1 ringgit from every person who hates him (we should be able to find hundreds of thousands at least) and hire an international assassin to take him down. what say you?
As tempting as that may sound, that is not what democarcy is all about.
Let's just hope current S'gor govt will find enough dirt which NO court can ignore & put him away fer a loooong time . . .
LLT: Me knows what yer saying. Me is hoping someone somewhere has got somethong so incriminating taht it'll ruin the fooker. Like a vid of him getting sodomised or some shit like that . . .
There's always hope.
if you wanna know how his supporters think, check out "anaklangkawi" who made some comments on Amir's posting on this guys wrongdoings!! Fantastic the way they use religion, "daulat tuanku" etc, etc...
kerp: So rite you are but we, THE RAKYAT, must continue to insist that assholes like him are unwanted. Best way to do this is at the polls.
nanda: anaklangkawi . . . sigh. Another brainless dickhead. Have had runnning arguments with this prick at Amir's blog when he sanctioned the actions of Zulkifli Nordin. Me just called hima fooking Zionist & left it that. Course, the arsehole didn't get it or understand . . .
has long given up on the bloody politicians in power and waiting in the corridors and also aspiring to be in power
am just really sickened by everything happening and the fact that no matter what the people want - these bastards like rapists are known to us and thus fooking bloody 'rape' us repeatedly because we are there for them to do it to us!
sorry AD ... auntie is just fooking pissed off at everything at the moment! ... **will go crawl into my cave for now**
achilles: Go fer it!
akuani: If total anarchy & chaos id what yer suggesting, me is all fer it!!! At least we'll get some decent music out of it . . . he he.
Uncle: if that jerk faced toyo gets anymore power than he already seems to have then my friend we might be having our friendly men in blue investigating our blogs for all the 'seditious' comments we make about the fookers we have in power ... didja read thestar? thelink
they are trying to silence us with fear yet again what else can wrong doers come up with - fookers!!!
**wait this is like my estranged spouse and his oriental sidekick visiting my blog to find dirt on me for the upcoming court battle - another fooker to the max!**
Yo mommas! This is Khir Toyo! I am selling some of my extra stocks of Botox! buy one and pay for three hundred! woohoo!
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