Me knows this is a bit late but have been listening to this quite a lot. Me forked out RM80 fer what was to be Celtic Frost's final album in 2006. Tom G Warrior had gotten back together with Martin Eric Ain fer this project & what a fooking awesome LP this turned out to be. Voted by Terrorizer mag as album of the year & garnering rave reviews everywhere, it cemented Celtic Frost's reputation as one of the genre's leading lights - heavy, experimental & thought-provoking (it's not fer nothing that they can count on fellow-Swiss surrealist HR Giger as a fan!).
Monothiest is not yer typical sledgehammer metal LP full of headbanging riffage & widdly-twiddly solos. Thy Mighty Frost are known as an avant garde occultist metal band & here they take you on a trip that is dark, disturbing & powerful. Those familiar with their earlier output will recall the eeriness that was Into The Pandemoniuom as well as the ambient noise terror of To Mega Therion.
Shame a clash of personality has spelt the end of this hugely influential band. To download Celtic Frost's Monotheist (2006), please click here: http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ROBBPI1F .
Trust me, this will be well worth yer time. It's a fooking grower. In the meantime, Tom G Warrior is busy laying down tracks with his new band Tryptycon. Me awaits with bated breath . . .
ps: Fer those who want to know what Tom G Warrior is up to, please go to his blog at http://fischerisdead.blogspot.com/ . (Besides recording a new album, he is also the curator at the HR Giger musuem!).
boss, you know la, am not really a fan of CF. surprisingly i am more interested to discuss on the stupidity reporters have to put up with during news conference with that zambry fella. at one point, he snaps before the full question was brought up. hope the guilt in him will eat heart after having a meal off his balls.
*cheeck out my new header bro...hehe...
Kerp: Link between Celtic Frost & new Perak gomen?
Circle of The Tyrants . . .
Balaji:- and sum more the New Perak Gomen is a Precreation of the wicked...
the whole affair is A morbid tale...where the Former MB is the Dethroned Emperor...
the truth is now imprisoned in the Crypts Of Ray i guess...
Anba: ha ha! Fooking genius!
And with the by elections, the country is thrust Into The Pandemonium . . .
AD: As usual, me got to go home to check out vid-lah. will write me review after that.
Perak Gomen crisis... hmmmpphh ... its like those days in school when you got fight-lah because all parties are really behaving like school kids and then there is the big guru besar.... guess who that is?
I really don't know who is on the right side anymore-lah...
Anyway, do check out me blog when you get the chance http://fitnessmalaysiablog.blogspot.com/
who wan meet up for yum cha....?!!! :P
Everybody!!! Senorita belanja happy hour! Woo hoo free thani!!! Thanx madam senorita!
Count me in...who'd refuse free thani???
My reputation precedes me. Can't drink much nowadays...
note: yum CHA. chinese tea boleh lar dei.......
senorita: B.O.R.I.N.G . . .
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