Nothing better than a dose of good old fashioned retro-grade 80s thrashfest to give wounded spirits a lil'boost. It is me great pleasure to present the Dirty Rotten Imbeciles! It was just last weekend that me was blasting the LP above alongside their earlier output - Crossover (1986) & Thrash Zone (1987).
Those of you familiar with this band will recall plenty of joyous hours just moshing to the simple riffs & a sound which was a blend of thrash/speed & hardcore punk. The great thing bout this band is its sense of fun & its never far from the surface. Unlike many other po-faced & overly serious acts, these guys play the frat boy card & make tunes which are quite clearly fuelled by plenty of beer & bongs.
To download Dirty Rotten Imbeciles's (D.R.I) Four of a Kind (1988), please go to: http://rapidshare.com/files/121916460/D.R.I_-_4_Of_A_Kind__1988.rar
Please download this, pull out yer tatty metal tee, baseball cap & Converse sneakers & me will assure you will feel like a teenager all over again, especially if you can get a few friends to join in & start a mini mosh pit in yer living room! Simple music fer simpler times . . .
Here's the vid fer Suit & Tie Guy (sigh . . . tragically, what me has become). Enjoy!
Manifest DEstiny...is me Fav tune...
anba: Yup, that's a good one as well. Me takes it you already own this album then.
Yes bro..an el cheapo copy for rm 5 frm the famous auntie shop in Campbell...
What to do..no money that time
Well, anba, you get to download it fer free now. How's that fer cost-effectiveness.
bro why call it crap logo..
the logo's like our macha's doin the kavadi joget
cool stuff!
baru2 ni aku terjumpa semula satu band lama AMQA kat myspace.
anba: Ha ha!Good point!
J or Ji: Hope you like this. But do note me left a message on yer blog regarding earlier download posting - waqrhammer. please check that out as its pretty fooking ace.
the logo's skanking. but since DRI is not a ska band, i'm going with you, it does look crap.
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