Monday, August 27, 2007

Freedom of speech?

Continuing on the theme of me last posting, I would like to clarify how I have slowly changed my world view. It is largely thanks to fooking wankers like Awang below whose rantings are par fer the course in the Malay newspapers - who says freedom of speech is dead in this country, eh?

Incredible that shite like this passes fer "social commentary" on a daily basis in certain national newspapers. And the authorities say bloggers are guilty of sedition . . .

My fellow Malaysian, read & weep
. . .

From Utusan: (This was posted on the mywordup community group email)
SEJAK beberapa hari lalu, akhbar ini menerima banyak reaksi orang Melayu yang melahirkan rasa marah dan resah terhadap beberapa isu yang dibangkitkan oleh pihak tertentu. Hanya beberapa komen pembaca daripada sekian banyak e-mel dan SMS yang diterima, dapat disiarkan. Hujah dan nada reaksi itu semuanya mahu kerajaan jangan tunduk kepada tekanan dan tuntutan. Awang sendiri tidak suka isu-isu sensitif itu terus panas dan berpanjangan. Mungkin elok ia diredakan, lebih-lebih lagi dalam semangat menjelang sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan negara ke-50.

Apa pun, gelombang reaksi orang Melayu ini tidak boleh diambil mudah oleh mana-mana pihak. Ketika ada tanggapan kononnya orang Melayu kian leka, sebenarnya terserlah 'kebangkitan' masyarakat Melayu dalam isu-isu terbaru ini. Awang rasa ini mesej yang cukup jelas. Lagipun wajarkah kita mahu musnahkan apa yang telah dibina selama ini?

Setelah orang Melayu membuktikan pengorbanan dan banyak beralah untuk keharmonian masyarakat majmuk, mereka cuma mahu dibalas dengan pegangan kuat rakyat semua kaum kepada perlembagaan negara dan kontrak sosial. Awang – Mahu kekal harmoni.

AWANG terkejut dengan tuntutan Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF), sebuah NGO kaum India yang mahu hak istimewa orang Melayu dihapuskan dan mendakwa kaum India dipinggirkan oleh kerajaan BN.

Pada Awang, NGO itu sudah melampau. Sedarkah mereka bahawa nasib kaum India di Malaysia jauh lebih baik berbanding negara lain termasuk di India sendiri. Awang cabar HINDRAF supaya berhijrah dan tinggal di negara lain, yang mereka fikir lebih baik.

Tindakan HINDRAF hanya akan mengundang gelombang kemarahan masyarakat bumiputera yang sudah begitu banyak beralah untuk kaum minoriti atas nama kontrak sosial. Sedarkah bahawa masih ramai orang Melayu dan bumiputera yang miskin terutama di luar bandar. Mereka setia menyokong kerajaan sejak merdeka lagi. Kalau diikutkan, mereka lagi berhak membuat pelbagai tuntutan. Ingatan Awang, jangan sampai orang Melayu hilang sabar dan akhirnya memudaratkan semua pihak.

Dakwaan HINDRAF tentang isu kuil juga, sama sekali salah. Di negara inilah, terdapat begitu banyak kuil seolah-olah orang India merupakan kaum induk. Mahu apa lagi?

Awang – Membara dalam diam.

PS: Unfortunate truth is that too many Malaysians share this fooking wanker's sentiments of "don't like it, please get lost" . . . sigh . . . The Third Reich lives on . . .


weiyin69 said...

Freedom of speech in Malaysia is a myth. Only certain ppl, ie supporters of the government, can say what they want to say. And of course they can get away with whatever shite they say. Ownership and control of the press - they go hand in hand.

Alliedmartster said...

Its time we do away with this racist thing....Malaysians should be one!
No segregation, ENOUGH! Bangsa Malaysia to the fore!

I saw that on the 25th of August, and I am sure that there are more like us out there as opposed to 'Awang'!

kiaq said...

Problem is, unlike others, these Awangs are free to spread poisons and lies on the mainstream media ... and this has been going on since the day we all learned abc.

nanda666 said...

I think it's time (in line with the 50 years of Independence) to just remove this whole "race" thing from Malaysian forms, documents, talks, etc.
Most of us "Indians" and "Chinese" have very little in common with our ancestors in their respective countries anyway!!
UMNO, MIC & MCA are all race based as well. Why don't we celebrate MERDEKA by making it one? One big BARISAN NATIONAL and everyone is free to join and everyone has one plan to help all of the poor and under privileged in Malaysia regardless of race or religion! (Hope I don't sound like John Lennon!! hehehe!!)
Anyone else feel the same???

anfield devotee said...

weiyin: Yes, I know. The reason i posted Awang's diatribe is to show just what sort of fookin crap gets published in the Malay press

Kiaq: sorry, but not everyone is like u. There are plenty who agree with Awang . . .

alliedmartster / nanda: Most of us concerned bloggers want a Bangsa M'sia. But we must recognise divisions run deep. Lofty ambition is useless unless we can convince our poisoned brethen we have a right to be here . . . and to be heard. We are not just grateful refugees in this country!

SLACKER said...

that awang dude feels like he has done us a great favour? wtf?