Calling all Kopites! As you know this Sat, Sep13 is the big game v Man Utd. The nicest bunch of supporters around - the Malaysian Red & White Kop (MyRAWK) - is organising a viewing party @ Breaker's Pool Club in Hartamas. Food will be served fer buka puasa (pls note limited, so first come first serve).
Do come join us as there'll be plenty of fun, games & drunken singing. Also brush up on yer footie knowledge if you wanna walk away with some prizes from the Pub Quiz & do consult yer tea leaves fer the Final Score competition.
Each guest will receive a door gift as well.
Beer prices are as follows:
Happy Hour
1) Jug = RM 34 Nett
2) Tower = RM 70 Nett
3) Bucket of Tuborg 4 bottles = RM 60 Nett.
(20% discount on liqour.)
Fer directions to the Breaker's, click here:
ps: Would love to hear what yer thoughts are on the game & what will transpire. Fire away!
pps: Please note that MyRAWK is a non-profit organisation & is run BY fans fer the benefit of FANS! So hope you'll join us on Sat!
somebody please.................. sponsor me a ticket home......... =(
Thanks for the announcement AD.
We have put a 10'x12' banner up at the front of Breakers last night and it can be seen from the main road.
Hope to see everyone there.
guys, please take lotsa picture and make me jealous. and match in NZ's delayed..!!!
senorita: delayed!!?! That's the problem with all the rugby/cricket-playing countries . . .
Becky: No prob dude. Will try to spread the word tomorrow with a few more phone calls.
Thanks for spreading the word! We are looking forward to meeting everyone and have a ball of a time.
Be there or be square! ;0)
thanks bala for the support. we need it!
albertus: Dude, no worries. Besides, Becky & meself are looking forward to drinking that cold, cold beer courtesy of the fooking Terrorist! Hee hee
All the best bro...on tomorrow's game...
me hope liverpool can beat them 2-0...
a draw would be the likely result.
sigghhh... at the end of 90 mins we'll see the results la
*biting nails*
tinesh: What a smug fooking twat . . .
azer: Same here la.
Kerp: Actually, that'd be quite a good result considering the shite football we're playing at the moment. (notice realistic & humble tone of this Kopite compared to Scummer Tinesh)
Anba: Unlikely la. Even with Stevie G & Torres we were fooking crap.
Yup.after i click the rapidshare link for the metallikaz..i d/l the free version then after completed, that is the kind of file i got.wtf is rar.? hahaha..damn!
nway..are u guys ready for the new devils? the count berbatov?
ah drunken, rowdy YELLAphonic footienights..every footie fans wetdream come true:)) choice!
all the best and HAVE A GOOD ONE!!!
regardless of the score, hope yu fellas kick some bulgarian arse!!!
er..devilites - aka Mr.T:
for the sake of hypocritical sportsmanship, all the best too mate!:))) do me a favour, just tell that bulgarian to stop calling HISself a "saint" mwahahhahahaha. have a good one dude alright - yu going to the breakers as well are you? *nudgenudgewinkwink*
keano vs berba?
kerp: me and you pom-popm machais this week la kot. mwahahhahahha. will crossover shortly. sorry dude, was buried with straw in mouth for oxysupply.
p.s. here's one for yu - whats the height of unemployment?
cobwebs over a hooker's pussy (under current administraion of course). later mon.
hey, lets all kill tinesh...i'll take his girlfriend.
got a tricky away to Blackburn...points drop is a big possibility.
j or ji: RAR file - pls download WinRAR FREE online & zip the file. Then right click to extract to folder. After that use Nero6 to burn onto CD. Ok?
Moz: We're all fooked la this season.
kerp: Blackburn. C'mon la dey, west ham walloped them 4-1, tak kan the slick & sophisticated Arsenal with Young Lion Walcott cannot makan?
alrite.me try now.thank you!! :)
Me foresee a good nite for all Kopites!
J or ji: Yeah, get it sorted out la. As you know, me posts at least one album a week fer download here.
LLT: Hope yer rite. Sure you canna escape yer dinner plans to join us ah?
:)) enjoy the game and have a rawking good time :)) - I'll be wining and dining still in Varese :))
p/s: I didn't get to watch Juventus - they not playing these last 2 weeks - dang it!! But I did romp about in Verona, Milan and Venice - kih kih kih ... better than footie anytime :)
Just read the news that RPK, the sin chew reporter Ms Tan and Ms Therse Kok MP has been detained under ISA...
The price you pay for telling the truth...
If you tell the truth, you kena detained because you create racial tensions
But on the contrary, if you come out with racist remarks, you'll only get a 3 year ban from politics, etc
welcome back, anita!
whoaaa...you even visited venice huh? but i can only partly agree with you...romping on those cities- anytime better than watching Seria A.
akuani: Regards to yer clan & hope ye all are enjoying yerselves. Me tkes it ye has heard the bad news - Ops Lalng II has begun.
Teng Hock & Kerp: Me is digesting the news before posting something. At the moment - disgusted, depressed & dejected over the latest developments. It is hoped that Malaysians will not be cowered into submission this time.
AD Dude: Calm Dude!. There's nothing more the BN fucking' bastards want than to create calamity based on races and to extend ISA arrests, even worse impose Emergency Rule. They will defend their ill-gotten rule/gains with everything they have... the only thing Malaysians are well informed now and hopefully not fall for this rubbish ploy thought out by a few UNMO dicks!..So Chill and let history take place..like promised!
~waves at Kerp~ Ciao - Tuto Benne?? *eheheh* Hello, All Good? (and amazingly the reply to this would be exactly the same only intone it's a statement not a questions heeheh)
Kerp dear, Leaving on the 14th from Zurich and arriving on the 15th evening in KLIA.
Yes AD - heard about the Ops Lalang II from your blog and also reading home news online :) - shitty news and a bummer to come home to.
To all enjoy the game tonight, be safe all. On my last Italian night with good food,wine and cheese ... and company ... (I knew I should have crashed mugged Italian to chatter away)
Mohan tells me it was 2-1 - Congratulations Kopites :)
WE KICKED ARSED...drinks all around!!...something to celebrate. We're in it big time and changes are to happen this year!!!!!!!!!!!
You'll Never Walk Alone, M.
hahaha...i just missed by one goal...neway...told you so...
Liverpool will win..
now march on for the the league title...
Atleast thats one good news...
hahaha...i just missed by one goal...neway...told you so...
Liverpool will win..
now march on for the the league title...
Atleast thats one good news...
mohan: was with LLT @ Kopites gathering, fooking awesome dude! Gua still mabuk la dey !!!
Akuani: TQ !!!
Anba: 0-4 v Ince. Impressive . . .
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