"Even alleged mass murderers like Radovan Karadzic gets a trial . . ." (Moz via sms)
How fooking tragic is that? (fer those who haven't heard, please read: http://malaysiakini.com/news/90208)
Now, me is no rabid fan of Raja Petra & have always taken his "reports" with a pinch of salt. But me was constantly delighted by his ability to produce statutory declarations by witnesses such as Dr Othman which were a constant thorn in fooking Barisan's backside.
We must NOT give in to this oppression. Even if some of you say RPK had it coming with his reckless blogging, please note that if we let this slide it would be a clear sign of weakness on the part of the rakyat on the issue of civil liberties.
Question now is what can we do to free this blogger? Or at the very least get the authorities to fooking let him have his day in (kangaroo?) court.
The Yanks are always very fond of saying "freedom is not free". But right now, it would appear only a very small group of people are willing to pay the price . . .
ps: In the meantime, "controversial" rapper Namewee has been summoned to police HQ this morning regarding his cyber-smash Negaraku. Fer more on this, please go to: http://malaysiakini.com/news/90215. Another one to pay the price fer speaking his mind on behalf of other Malaysians . . . ?
fook the botak who signed the ISA docs today for RPK to be sent to kamunting...
steve: Am sure many share similar sentiments towards the Home Minister. But question is what can we actually do to get RPK released.
Public outcry over detention of Sin Chew reporter & Teresa Kok saw BN release em.
So what can be done fer "our" botak?
AD: Only way to free this macha is to flush Barisan Najis down the toilet. These are all scare tactics by them. "don't you dare rise agaisnt me, or you will kena rotan" is what they are trying to say.
Obviously the call to abolish it is falling on deaf ears and ISA today is a tool to help you win elections by ridding the road of your enemies.
Any updates on DSAI and the King? I hope something (or somebody) goes down soon.
achilles: Attention fer the moment on RPK & Namewee . . . Public Enemies No1!
What a fooking farce!
question is... what can we realistically do?
question is... what can we realistically do?
can the rakyat demand PM to sack the power abusive home minister?
My prayers are with RPK and his family.
I thought the Negaraku ku thing has been settled? Poor college kid having some fun while speaking his mind is now Public Enemy No 1.
Congratulations BN. The whole world is watching. Keep it up and keep shooting yourself in the foot.
"People should not be afraid of their government!!!!!!!.... Remember remember the 5th of November"
It is written in the Holy Bible, "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth."
Stay humble in our stive for justice. It will come. Greed and corruption will no longer prevail.
Kopite78: Nope me thinks BN are more than ever waiting to teach EVERYONE a lesson fer daring to cross them.
Do a Guy Fawkes? But it'll just end as another opportunity fer BN to swindle more money from ridicolously expensive contracts (which they get a cut) . . .
Errrr boys boys ... isn't the ISA in the end given the nod by the PM, then sent to the King - or some shit like that???
EO and LLPK work that way don't it ????? ...
The wannabe stand up comic with the shiny pate is he not merely relaying what the upper powers decide is 'for the safety' of us lot??
Maybe I am mistaken ...
personally, tho i have signed the petition, there is nothing much i can do to both rpk and namewee. obviously, i have no balls
akuani: That's what me said to chong (see above).
azer: No, wouldn't say that (no balls). We need to figure out an effective way to convey to the authorities that this will not be tolerated. But how?
I think we should all keep writing to the press!! Yes...bombard them with letters!!! I'll check with my PR friends if they are doing something bigger and get back to you guys!!!
Well, the home ministry IS turning into the gestapo.
Did anyone read TheStar today and see Oil Barrel Botak's reason for RPK's ISA detention???
OBB's reason
He could have??? He could have??? fooking moron the word is could NOT has ... and if OBB even reads anything RPK reads and not need someone to translate the thing to moron level comprehension, he might also have noticed the number of Muslim readers who support RPK and his efforts .. COULD have my fat ass ... GAWD!
Am fooking pissed off major big time. Hats off to Zaid for walking away from this pact of idiots!
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