This is a recent skype conversation me had with a BN-supporting friend. Yes, we're buddies, talk-footie-over-cold-beer-type-of-buddy. But we are on polar opposites when it comes to politics. This verbatim (cut & pasted) online conversation really go some way in reflecting the mentality & attitude of BN folk . . .
FFS says: Dear VV
(real name removed to protect identity)FFS: pls make sure you are nowhere near snakes
VV says: why la joe?
FFS: lest you get beaten senseless by yer BN faithful
VV: ah! will do bro
FFS: Hamidah Osman
FFS: The pride of BN
VV: bitch
VV: but please don't categorise with BN
FFS:actually me friend said it best
FFS: he says she actually wants some Indian snake to beat her ass
VV: haha
FFS: just salah sebut
FFS: eh? If don't categorise with BN, shouldn't the party expel her?
VV: why?
VV: let her talk la...its not the party stand
VV: we have better things to do la
VV: let's get on with things
FFS: To use fave terminology of BN - fer making "seditious" & "racially sensitive" remarks?
VV: i'm very disappointed with Pakatan
FFS: anyways, still think Najib has nothing to do with Mongol blow up
VV: we need to get on with the more important things la
VV: stop harping on these issues
FFS: Dude, the opposition have held the 5 states fer less than 6 months & everyone is fed up
FFS: why?
VV: Pakatan is full of shit and no substance
FFS: they have been blocked by BN at every juncture
FFS:BN would look the same la if they were in that position
FFS: Hang On
FFS: In fact
FFS: They look like they are full of shit & of no substance whilst in POWER!
VV: we have 50 years of record to back us
VV: Pakatan as a BUGGER to show for all the shit thay have been talking
FFS: yes, like stopping the penang monorail project . . .
FFS: fabulous
FFS: People-centric projects BN say
FFS: 50 years of intimidation & racial politics . . .
FFS: you call that a record
FFS: ???
VV: where were we 50 years ago?
VV: practically a village
FFS: Pls answer the penang monorail
FFS: what justification?
VV: without BN, we'll still be embroiled in petty matters
FFS: pls answer the question
VV: visionaries bro!
VV: taken us to where we are today
FFS: pls answer the question sir
VV: who the fuck cares about the monorial
FFS: allrite, c u & good day
There you have it - BN are Visionaries, Pakatan full of shite. BN have taken us from village to city. But who gives a fuck about the monorail. What wonderful rational & logic; all the while side-stepping pertinent issues as petty & unimportant.
And oh yeah, murder is apparently a petty issue among BN folk . . . Go figure.
ps: Me friend also thinks that the corruption of the judiciary is also a petty issue & we need to move on. Also not aware that Najib had purchased submarines at extortionate prices. . . sigh . . .